Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Burglar Foiled by Lack of Valuables

Nicolas Cage got a rude awakening late last night when a burglar attempted a break-in while the actor was home. Although details aren't clear, it is suspected that the burglar was after Cages' career. Newport Beach officials confirmed today that the career had not been successfuly stolen. According to records, Nicolas Cage actually lost his career six years ago in a devastating train wreck.


Cheeks DaBelly said...

Finky that's awesome! Did you hear that Nic Cage and Keanu Reeves are going to do a movie together? It's called "Sha... Whoa!" There's not a lot of dialogue but plenty of stupid looks which the two of them do so well.

Fink Master Flash said...

Thanks! I couldnt help laughing outloud as I wrote this.
That movie would be amazing. I think it could give Bio-Dome a run for its money. . .