Friday, June 27, 2008

Buffett, I like the guy!

This may be perhaps the richest man in the world but he seems to understand the looming threat that faces the economy. This is a short but interesting read to see his take on the americans earning 21,000 per year.

He is right on the money with every issue concerning the economy. Just do a search on Buffett and you will read many articles detailing his perception of the economy. This billionare is more in touch with the market and economy then our Fed Chief Bernanke. Check out this interesting article on inflation and you will see that the Fed and his cronies are totally out of touch:

This is the logic the people running the show are using:
Sandra Pianalto, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and a voting member this year of the Federal Open Market Committee, explained in a speech last month, "As consumers spend more money for higher-priced petroleum and agricultural goods," she continued, "they eventually have less money to spend on other goods and services. Other relative prices must then fall."
That is all well and good, but the companies of 'other goods' are raising prices not due to demand but due to the ever rising cost of oil and energy. It isn't as simple as americans arent buying so companies will be forced to drop the prices. That forces companies out of business and workers out of jobs, further increasing the unemployment rate. Un-flippin-believable.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hey, You! Next Door. . .

Why do you have to be so loud?!? Shut the fuck up already.

This Guy Is Unbelievable,2933,371344,00.html

Just read what this defense attorney has to say about child rape victims.
It is disgusting vial pig fuckers like this that really itch my taint. To say that he would ruin a child's life if they take the stand during a rape trial is beyond words. All in an effort to keep a law passed that could give child rapists the death penalty, which I happen to think isn't punishment enough. I will dive into that in a minute.
This defense attorney is everything that is wrong with the legal system. What if it was his child that was raped??
Fuck you pal! You know what you deserve. . .A good anal raping by about 10 prison inmates. If it were up to me I would rape you myself with a fire starter log and some kerosene for lube. . .then a lit one to finish you off. How dare you say you would give a child nightmares and they will never have a relationship with anyone once you are done with them on the stand.
As for the rapist, you do not deserve to suffer such a little punishment as death. You should have to live your life in total torture. Just as the child will with his/her own thoughts to torture them after suffering such a heinous act. Everyday your morning would start off with a tree trunk forcibly shaved up your cockhole. You know, a nice seasoned piece of wood that is dry and feathered. Then I would pour ground glass in your eyes and pepperspray your face. After the glass has shredded your eyeball I would sprinkle some salt on there followed by some alcohol. A nice rapist Face-Martini. This is all in the first hour of waking up of course. The rest of the day would be spent wandering dark hallways where the family of the rape victim would get to beat the living shit out of you.
I don't understand how families sit back while the justice system lets the scumbags walk. Not me, you touch any of my children or family and the law is in my hands! I recall a story where a little boy was molested and they caught the pig that did it. While the authorities were transporting the pig in the airport the father of the victim stood by a phone booth pretending to be on the phone. When the pig came close enough the father whipped out a gun and shot the fucker right in the head! Hallelujah!! Good for him. It makes me so proud to know that that pig got what was coming to him. The dad is a real hero!
Mr. Defense Attorney it is my sincerest hope that you one day are face-fucked and raped by John Travolta. I don't know why, I guess Travolta is the epitamy of embarassment.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Dave Matthews Band

Tables turned again
And you my friend
You and I face each other
Oh time and time out
I know it's sometimes hard
But knowing just oh
That we will get along
Til we're old and gray
And doubled up
We're huddled up, we'll sit
And laugh of times were hard
And laugh of times when we thought
All it would end, it was all over
Then again
And know that I'm yours less rain
And to leave you out, I'll die
Oh my friend
It will be you until the end with me

#40 from Listener Supported

#40 from Yoshi's(full version)