Thursday, June 26, 2008

This Guy Is Unbelievable,2933,371344,00.html

Just read what this defense attorney has to say about child rape victims.
It is disgusting vial pig fuckers like this that really itch my taint. To say that he would ruin a child's life if they take the stand during a rape trial is beyond words. All in an effort to keep a law passed that could give child rapists the death penalty, which I happen to think isn't punishment enough. I will dive into that in a minute.
This defense attorney is everything that is wrong with the legal system. What if it was his child that was raped??
Fuck you pal! You know what you deserve. . .A good anal raping by about 10 prison inmates. If it were up to me I would rape you myself with a fire starter log and some kerosene for lube. . .then a lit one to finish you off. How dare you say you would give a child nightmares and they will never have a relationship with anyone once you are done with them on the stand.
As for the rapist, you do not deserve to suffer such a little punishment as death. You should have to live your life in total torture. Just as the child will with his/her own thoughts to torture them after suffering such a heinous act. Everyday your morning would start off with a tree trunk forcibly shaved up your cockhole. You know, a nice seasoned piece of wood that is dry and feathered. Then I would pour ground glass in your eyes and pepperspray your face. After the glass has shredded your eyeball I would sprinkle some salt on there followed by some alcohol. A nice rapist Face-Martini. This is all in the first hour of waking up of course. The rest of the day would be spent wandering dark hallways where the family of the rape victim would get to beat the living shit out of you.
I don't understand how families sit back while the justice system lets the scumbags walk. Not me, you touch any of my children or family and the law is in my hands! I recall a story where a little boy was molested and they caught the pig that did it. While the authorities were transporting the pig in the airport the father of the victim stood by a phone booth pretending to be on the phone. When the pig came close enough the father whipped out a gun and shot the fucker right in the head! Hallelujah!! Good for him. It makes me so proud to know that that pig got what was coming to him. The dad is a real hero!
Mr. Defense Attorney it is my sincerest hope that you one day are face-fucked and raped by John Travolta. I don't know why, I guess Travolta is the epitamy of embarassment.


Cerpts said...

Not John Travolta!!!!!!!

Cerpts said...

Not John Travolta!!!!!!! You went TOO FAR bringing in John Travolta!!!

Weaverman said...

Oh come on! John Travolta? By the by, the father may have been a real hero (yep, I'm with you on that one) but I presume he's now incarcerated or worse, probably getting raped by ten other prisoners.

Fink Master Flash said...

I absolutely agree, just hopefully there isnt a jury out there that would convict the father. But since lawyers get to screen the jury and undermine the justice system, we can pretty much assume the father would be screwed.

If not Travolta how about Nicolas Cage. They can take turns raping eachother. I can just see the headlines: 'Cage raped. . .Again!!'

Weaverman said...

This reminds me of that old joke which you have undoubtably heard (so I'll change the names to refresh it) GWBush dies and goes to hell where he is greeted by Satan who says "Well GW you were a very important man when you were alive so you get to choose your own eternal torture - which will only stop when somebody equally famous chooses to replace you of their own free will" He takes GW to a big cave and in the cave there is a huge lake of foul shit and right in the middle is old Joe Stalin buried up to his chin it. "No" says GW, "I don't choose that" So Satan takes him to the next cave and there he finds Adolph Hitler being whipped with barb-wire by three ferocious rabbis. "No" says GW "That's not for me!" So Satan takes him to the next cave and there in the middle is Marilyn Monroe, naked, bent over a barrel, being butt-fucked by Osama Bin Laden. Osama grins at GW and says "Hi George, this is really great!" A gleam comes into GW's eyes and he quickly turns to Satan and says "OK, this is the one I choose!" "Are you sure, because there is no going back"
GW looks at the smiling Bin Laden and the weeping, naked Marilyn and says "I'm positive". Satan shouts out "O.K. Marilyn, your time is up!"

Fink Master Flash said...


I like that joke!! It is always a good visual image to see Bush taking it in the ass.