Friday, December 28, 2007

Annoyances and Ponderings

1. Would someone be so inclined to blow themselves up in a suicide bombing if he/she has no belief in god? I would say no. I for one, do not believe in a "God" or a religion and my belief that there is nothing after this life scares the living shit out me. So the last thing I wanna do is die! Strike One(of many) for religion and "God".

2. People acting shocked when a tiger attacks. A zoo is not a place to go see "wild animals" in their natural habitat. They are no longer "wild" at a zoo. They became prisoners. A cage is not a natural habitat. So go ahead people, keep poking your limbs in the cages. Daddy loves a good show. Nothing better than seeing a tiger tear a human to shreds. You deserve it for putting your money into a zoo. One place you will never see me. . .the ZOO! Animals deserve better, it's called the WILD.

3. Christians. The Golden Compass is a MOVIE. Say it with me, 'A moooovieeee!' It would be a good thing for your child to have an open mind about "God". I believe that teaching a child about God and Jesus at such a young age is 'brainwashing'. They are too young to know better. I mean come on, they believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy. By the way Tooth Fairy, you owe me 6 dollars as of my last count.
Even my 7yr old nephew knows better about "God'. He finds it hard to believe that a magical man is in the sky.
Hey, what is the difference between and oil painting and Jesus? It only takes one nail to hang an oil painting.
John the Baptist was more likely trying to drown Jesus than baptise him. John got sick of his shit too!

4. 3 continued. . .
And for the record, the bible is a collection of "STORIES" not actual events. The 'stories' have a symbolic meaning, you missed it.
Oh, researchers and archeologists; stop looking for the Ark. Never happened.

5. Global Warming. Can we just accept the fact that it is a 'natural cycle' and that pollution has little to do with the overall warming effect? Finally scientists are starting to come out of 'hiding' and bringing forth the evidence that pollution is not the main cause. Obviously the Earth goes through cycles. We had the Ice Age which ended. Then we had the '300 years' Ice Age. So now the planet is warming up. The Grand Canyon was once filled with water. Which means the Earth has gone through a warming cycle before! And it will soon be filled again until the next cooling cycle. Pollution doesn't help but it also isn't the main cause.

6. Humans. Are we extinct yet? We have ruined this planet and all that thrives on it. When is the next plague? Humans need a population check in the worst way.

7. Political Opinions. Please don't give me your opinions if you don't have a good reason to back them. Telling me that Hilary Clinton would make a good president and Obama won't because Hilary has experience isn't a good reason. She has no more experience than Obama. Being First Lady is a PR job. Deal with it people. And saying that you will never vote republican again is a dumb statement. What if the democratic candidate is a schmuck? Sure Bush really screwed up but that shouldn't effect future votes. It is my hope that Obama gets a surge ahead of Clinton. Rudy just ain't gonna cut it for me. For me, the lesser of all the evils is Obama. I could be wrong.

8. People against Gino's Steaks in Philly. There is no wrong doing in putting a sign up telling customers to order in english. Try going to a foreign country and ordering in english. Not gonna happen. This country has a national language and that is English! I don't want this country to turn into another Canada. Canada speaks two different languages. French and English. They hate eachother! Allowing spanish speaking in our country will cause a national divide. It is NOT discrimation to require that your customers order in english. Gino's is a business and reserves that right as the owner.


Cerpts said...

Who pooped in YOUR froot loops?!?!?

So here's what I have to say about all that stuff you said back there:

1. Organized religion is a man-made institution. God didn't make it; it's all ours. Whether or not you believe in a God religion is STILL man-made and just as extremely fallable as we. Therefore, more evil, death, persecution, wars, murder, injustice and prejudice have been caused by organized religion than any other thing in the history of the planet. Yes, INCLUDING Michael Bolton! Having faith is totally separate from religion. It's when we humans start to think "Well, I'm right and you're wrong" that the trouble begins; and that's the sole purpose of organized religion -- to force everyone else to think like me. Believe what you wanna believe but forcing your beliefs upon others is not faith it's oppression.

2. I hate zoos. Always have. Always will. I also hate pet stores for similar reasons. I do not want to see another living thing caged up (unless it's Sawyer and Kate but that's a different kettle of fish biscuits). So-called animal lovers who go to zoos are NOT animal lovers; how could they be when they contribute to the confinement of wild animals?!?

3. The Golden Compass is indeed a movie. A very bad movie, from all accounts. It is also a movie which has every single speck of theological debate removed from it. So how can these Christians (who are patently un-American by denying filmmakers the right to free expression) say that the movie is bad because it is "anti-Christian" when they successfully had all so-called "anti-Christian" aspects removed before the film was even finished?!?

4. The bible is indeed a collection of stories; scrolls in fact. It is also a collection which disagrees with itself. For instance in the very first book in the bible (Genesis) there are 2 separate and mutually contradictory stories of the creation of humans, the Noah story, etc. For example, one part of the book of Genesis says that Eve was created after Adam while another part says they were created at the same time. Also, the Noah story is told in one part of Genesis with the familiar "all animals were gathered two by two" story while another part of the SAME BOOK of Genesis says that the clean animals were gathered in a certain number while the unclean animals were gathered in a different amount. Which is it? It doesn't matter since the Bible wasn't meant to be read LITERALLY. If the very first book of the Bible contradicts itself, how exactly can you read every word of the bible literally?!?

5. Global warming is due to cow farts and that's all there is to that! Also, the fact that the Grand Canyon was once filled with water doesn't mean anything since the entire center of the country is soon going to be vaporized by the huge mega-volcano lying underneath of it. And this is all while we're waiting patiently for California to fall into the ocean. C'mon, Mother Nature, you're WAY past due.

6. Humans. A mistake any way you slice it.

7. Hillary Clinton has practically no experience and CERTAINLY no more than Obama. As you say, "First Lady" cannot be judged experience by anybody in their right mind. And after Bill's presidency was up, Hillary ran for senator of New York simply to give her something to put on her resume so she could later run for president. Doesn't anyone recall the big brouhaha at the time about Hillary running for senator of a state in which she never lived? People had a word for that after the Civil War and it was called "Carpetbagger". The sad fact remains that we will NEVER get a decent candidate running for public office anymore (in either party) because anyone worth a damn would never run. Why? Because of what we (i.e. the press) do to candidates who run for public office; that is, digging into every moment of their past lives desperate to uncover SOMETHING they can use to get ratings/readers. Who in their right mind would run for office and subject themselves and their families to that. Therefore, we are left with the dregs who couldn't hold a real, honest job and instead go into politics. For my part, I'm looking for someone who has the LEAST amount of experience in government and politics; maybe they would actually WANT to improve something in this sadly deteriorating country.

8. A restaurant is NOT public property; it is private property. That's kinda why the restaurant owner pays rent. Therefore, this Gino's guy frankly has every right to put up that sign. It is also our right not to eat there if we are offended by the sign. It is also true that, if you live in a country, you should learn the language. Try going to France and NOT speaking French and see how THEY treat you. Likewise, it is ALSO wrong to force restaurants to ban smoking. I am not a smoker and PREFER non-smoking restaurants HOWEVER I also think it is a violation of the rights of business owners to force them to make all restaurants non-smoking. If a restaurant wishes to have smoking they should be able to post a sign saying so and we (as supposedly reasonable adults hardy-har-har) can choose whether or not we wish to eat there. It's called personal responsibility and we don't need the government to tell us what it is. Ditto for seatbelt laws -- I ALWAYS wear a seatbelt but forcing us to is governmental intrusion. It should be mandatory for children but for adults it should be a personal choice since it harms no one but yourself if you don't wear one. Taking a header thru the windshield should be up to ME as an adult American citizen. For some reason, the Republicans (who are supposed to want government OUT of our lives) are doing some of the most intrusive things lately.

So how's THAT for the world's longest comment?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

RE: #8. I really don't understand this whole thing w/ Ginos. To be honest, their cheese steaks are totally overrated. As for the 'English' only thing, it really smacks of racism. Here's why, Ginos which is in a predominantly Italian-American neighborhood was more than likely started by an Italian American. Now, I'm sure the proprietor's relatives who came from Italy did not speak English on their first day in their new homeland. I'm also sure his relatives also faced the same form of racism he's enforcing now. That's the irony of the whole thing.

I'm willing to venture a guess that the owner of Ginos made this irrational 'rule' is because those who were on the other side of the counter and spoke in another language didn't look like him. No matter how you dress it up, it's still racism. Now is the owner allowed to be a racist? Sure he is, but that doesn't mean I or anyone for that matter has to support his business. Especially if the cheese steaks he is serving are awful.

This country was founded on immigration-- I think the owner would take that into consideration; but the Fox/O’Reilly attitude that is so pervasive in this country has taken root. That’s what is sad about this entire situation; the owner is completely out of touch with one of the cornerstones of America. What I would ask you to do is to take a look within yourself and examine why you agree him.

As for not speaking the language of the country you are visiting. Well, I hate to tell you if you are in France or Spain, many of the habitants their speak English. And they will be more than happy to converse with you in English. The education system in other countries requires students to speak another language, and many of the students speak/ write English well. I will even go as far as saying that they are more comfortable using English than some of the people who live in South Jersey. This is an indictment of the American education system… But that’s another story.